Labor’s Removal of Negative Gearing on Established Properties and Reducing CGT Discount To 25%

Big news for property investors! If Labor win the election this year they will remove negative gearing for properties purchased after 1st July 2017 unless they are new builds. Chris Bowen explained new builds as completed within the last 12 months and the investor is the first owner after the developer. I would hate to …

CGT when Your Home is On Acreage

CGT Acreage porperty

I hear people living on acreage saying that they only sell a little of their produce at markets just to cover costs and of course not declare it in their tax return because it is really just a hobby.  They are concerned if they use the property to produce income in any way they will …

Self Education Expenses

To be tax deductible against your income the course you are doing must be related to your employment obligations either because it is improving the skills you need in your current job or keeping you up to date. You can also claim for expenses that will qualify you for advancement with your current employer but …